Do You Have An Accountability Partner?
In most cases, the answer is yourself, a business partner or significant other when it comes to performing the necessary tasks to keep the business running smoothly.
Alternatively, if you are working at a job, your business accountability partner would be your boss, manager or supervisor. Usually, you set goals and objectives for the year and they will hold you accountable with an annual review to see how you performed. Your performance would be tied to some kind of financial impact like a salary increase.
This same premise holds true if you are a small business owner. Hitting your annual goals and objectives can mean an increase in revenue or profit. However, what happens in your business if the consistency with your daily activity begins to come into question? In other words, there are things that you have full intention of doing but other more prominent or pressing things are getting in the way causing a lack of consistency with some of these important activities.
As you can imagine, this creates a business dilemma that obviously needs be taken care of immediately. Most experts in any field will tell you the key to their success is their ability to develop a routine or daily method of operation and make sure they are consistent with their actions. Tony Robbins said, “In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”
Another way to help with your consistency would be to find an accountability partner. It can be easier to work towards achieving consistency if you knew there was going to be someone you had to answer to or be accountable. We all know that sometimes life gets in the way but how would you feel to have to report out your lack of consistency to a partner?
It is not a good feeling when you know there are activities you did not do and have to highlight and share them in the company of others. As a result, the fear of embarrassment causes you to act before being confronted by your business accountability partner.
A business accountability program we are currently participating in is called the A TEAM and is facilitated by a legend in the network marketing space (Todd Falcone). The A stands for getting you on your “A” game with regard to your business. You can find out more about it by clicking here. It is a 12 week program that occurs once per quarter so depending upon when you read this the program may not be open for new enrollees.
We are only in week 2 but so far it is an in your face program (..just what we needed). The focus is on accountability, skill development training, masterminding and leadership conditioning. If you are looking for a way to move your business forward it is highly recommended.
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