What are you doing in the social media world to promote your brand, business or career? As they say, “you are either networking or not working”! There are certain rules of engagement that come into play that you must adhere to or be thrown to the wolves. If you follow the proper protocol you can be assured of networking and branding success.Networking and Branding

It is often a common struggle amongst small business owners in going to events and talking to as many people as possible about their brand. The trick is to make the most efficient use of your time all while being friendly and cordial to everyone. In his book entitled, Endless Referrals, Bob Burg talks about six essential rules of networking etiquette. You should follow these rules with regard to networking or talking to referrals. They include:

  1. Don’t Ask for Immediate Repayment: In other words, quid pro quo does not apply when it comes to networking. You should not expect any repayment in any time frame. Your focus should be on serving others.
  2. Treat Mentors Like Mentors: Be modest and unassuming in seeking a mentor and approach them with respect.
  3. Keep An Eye on the Clock: Always respect others time especially those who you do not know personally. Make sure you ask if they have a few minutes to chat or talk when engaging them in conversation.
  4. Follow Through On Promises:  Keeping promises are always good character traits. For networkers, it is the oxygen you breathe.
  5. Be Extra Careful Not to Annoy a Referred Prospect: Always be polite, tactful and respectful no matter how a referral responds to you. The person who gave you the referral will definitely hear back and you inevitably want them to keep referring you.
  6. Say (and write) Thank You: Networking referrals do not always lead to opportunities but you should always show how much their thoughts were appreciated. Simply do this by saying Thank You.

It is easy to see how these rules are so essential when networking and building your brand. In terms of social media, there appears to be no place like Facebook when it comes to building your brand.

Speaking of branding, take a look at the video below for some guidance in your brand building efforts. How is your networking or brand building going? Share or leave a comment and let us know.

Image: basketman / FreeDigitalPhotos.net