According to Albert Einstein, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. I have noticed my husband reaches back to this definition periodically to check in with himself. If he is not happy with his state of affairs at a given time, he will give serious thought to his behavior and figure out how to tweak it. I admire this about him. Thank goodness Einstein put this definition in such simple terms because presently it is clear the economy has changed our financial situations yet many of us have not changed to adjust to the times.

Relying on one source of income or a job has become a risky proposition. I think it is time to be bold and aggressive in our actions. We need to change our  mindset and squash the limiting belief mentality that keeps us separated from our dreams.

Whether it is leaving a full time job to start a business or working part time while keeping the 9-5, taking the first step is half the battle. We have to get out of our comfort zone and make things happen. Just remember there are no easy answers and there is a lot at stake (i.e. your health, happiness and livelihood). Having the full time job with a regular paycheck, health care benefits and retirement plan is the perfect platform you need to transition into developing  your business strategy and subsequently launching your business.

So, as you plug away creating your business keep in mind there are many sources of supplemental income that offer great flexibility. Make sure you have defined your reasons “why” this business is in the cards for you and gets you motivated. Some sources of supplemental income I have found online usually fall into one of these three categories:

1. Informational Products

  • Developing your own product or service
  • Writing your own e-book
  • Becoming a freelancer (writer or technical expertise)

2. Affiliate Marketing

  • This source pertains to working as a partner with others who have already created a product. In essence you would be selling their product through your network or distribution channels in exchange for a commission.

3. Website Development or Blogging

  • Creating content for your website and monetizing it to generate an income.

This list is not all-inclusive as there are others out there that offer flexibility and have legitimate income earning potential. Just make sure you keep your options open and do some due diligence before taking the dive. These ideas are not get rich quick schemes and require a significant amount of time and energy. So get to work! If you  already took the plunge then keep your foot on the gas pedal. Make the commitment to do something different and stop the insanity.

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