Looking back on 2020, as the world and the pandemic began to unfold in March, everyone had to make a dynamic shift in how they showed up each and every day. Most home-based businesses had to pivot and do things differently or go out of business indefinitely. This included adjusting to state and local regulations and getting your online presence up and running quickly if you did not already have something in place.

Several of these small or home-based businesses had no other options but conducting activity online as opposed to in person. This practice was very unusual because a lot of their normal processes included building relationships and turning them into sales using actual live in person meetings, presentations and workshops. This could no longer happen given Covid. It is no wonder we rode out the year struggling with how to conduct business given the challenge of generating both leads and sales in this new completely online business world. 

Now that we are in 2021 and we have a vaccination eminent, all small businesses understand that in order to prosper they must have an online strategy. It has become mandatory to use social media to help your small or home-based business grow your audience. 

All of this can be daunting and will keep you up at night. It is not a bad idea to focus on your social media activity knowing that live in person activity most likely will not kick in until later this year.  

The question becomes what does a social media strategy look like for your small or home-based business? A recent survey done by the market researcher, STATISTA shows several social media sites that prove to be beneficial coming off Covid restrictions include the likes of Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram. As you can see from the chart below, the survey showed that Instagram was where a lot of small or home-based businesses decided to jump into social media in 2021. 

Small Business Social Media Strategy Post Covid

Given this data, it appears one should take on social media strategically in order to grow their business. The best way to do that would be to pick one platform and learn how to market on that platform exclusively before moving on to another. For example, if you decide Instagram will be your platform of choice, then you should pick up a course to learn how to affectively market on that platform.

However, It is important to remember that it could take some time to master or dominate it. The learning curve can be significant on these platforms if you have not had prior experience. Remember to not get frustrated if it takes you some time to learn how to effectively market on that platform. Follow these steps:

  1. Pick a platform
  2. Find an influencer (…they have a huge following) on the platform who you resonate with and follow them
  3. Work lead generation activity on this platform into your daily routine
  4. Stay consistent with your activity on the platform

This was definitely a challenge we were faced with and decided to pursue an option that required minimal cost and relied on FREE social media sites we already had access to. 

We were focused on attracting consulting and coaching leads but soon learned it works for any small or home-based business struggling with getting more leads and making more sales.

So we packaged the whole strategy up into a proven system called the Lead Generation Playbook. This system EVEN works for people who are:

 ✔️ Not sales experts but have an awesome service/solution for clients 

 ✔️ Not technically savvy 

 ✔️ Don’t have a huge following

 ✔️ Have never launched an online business before

We’ve created a Playbook that reveals the social media “secret hack” that generates leads & sales on complete autopilot. Want to see how it works?

Check it out now at https://alternateincomeplan.com/LGP.