Is creating a brand for your home based business necessary?

The answer can depend on what type of business you have and how it serves the market. You could argue brand awareness is always a good thing if it conjures up a positive feeling in the minds of your customers.

However, if it gives customers chills and makes them feel dirty then you definitely have some work to do. This negative perception by customers will have a major impact on the success of your home based or small business. With the advent and usage of social media, you are just a few negative comments away from closing the business.                                   Branding, Girl!  

Some of you are probably thinking, what exactly is a brand and how does it relate to a home based business? To be clear, home based business brand building is a process so let’s define it.

A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or other feature that distinguishes one seller’s product or service from those of others. It is a concept used in marketing and advertising for all types of businesses including home based. The key is to make sure the guiding principles of your business shine through in all you do and thus you are building your business’ brand.

In today’s marketing world, whether that is online or offline, it is not easy to be seen and heard if people are not familiar with what you do. There are people out there searching for what you have because your service or product can help solve their problem(s). The challenge is getting your information out to them and the world so that it can be shared by the masses.


Have you ever come across a resource that was truly helpful but not timely? In other words, you were wishing you had access to that resource or information years ago when it would have benefited you significantly.

In our home based business we were searching for answers relative to building our brand Platformand struggling to find them. A lot of time went by (..3-4 years in our case) and we made several decisions but kept moving forward.

Just recently, we came across a book titled “Platform Get Noticed In A Noisy World” by Michael Hyatt and found answers to all of those old questions all in one place. It was like getting the CliffsNotes or study guide to building a brand for your home based business. We highly recommend reading it.          

Back then, a lot of trial and error went into those decisions we made and it would be been extremely valuable to have read this book. We are still not where we want to be with our home based business but moving in the right direction. This is without a doubt a book you should pick up if building your brand is a goal and strategy.

Please comment or share if you got any value.


P.S. If you are looking for more information on growing your home based or small business (including brick & mortar businesses) using the internet Click Here to find a winning platform used by several successful business owners and marketers.

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