How do you track your prospecting efforts within your business?

In other words, what system or software are you using to track and measure all your efforts relating to prospecting and bringing in new business or customers?  Customer Relationship Management or CRM for small businesses has always been significant in bringing businesses to another level. If you were to query successful small business owners they all would have some form of CRM practice or software in place.  Small Business CRM Software

However, the flip side of this is that many small business owners do not have a system they use to track prospects. In many cases if at all, these small businesses rely on manual efforts to track their communications with prospects. These manual efforts usually consist of writing in notebooks, saving information in spreadsheet software and collecting business cards.

Although using these efforts are fine and have worked for many years, there needs to be some kind of follow up process built in. For example, as a small business owner, if you are going to spend your time and energy prospecting for new business then you have to make sure you have a consistent follow up and tracking process in place. If you do not have a consistent follow up process then your efforts in prospecting will be in vain or a total waste of time.

CRM for small business follow up

With advances in technology and widespread usage of the internet, new systems and software have began to emerge in opening up this market to the average small business owner. For many years, access to systems like this became an issue to most small businesses because of the options and pricing.

However, with this new market there appears to be some pretty good options for small business owners. I came across one as part of a marketing system that is worth taking a look at. Click here to find out more about this new easy to use software.

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