Have you ever been around a group of people that at first glance appear to be unrealistic? I sure have and remember this group as if it was yesterday. While on vacation with my family at one of our favorite beach resorts, we interacted with several home based business owners attending their annual conference. After befriending several at the beach and around the swimming pool the entire week, I liked what I saw and heard. Some were stay at home moms working their businesses part time and creating full time income. They represented focused individuals living life on purpose. Their attitudes were contagious and had me wanting to find out more about their organization. Without going into detail about their specific business, they proved to be some of the most positive and self directed folks I have ever encountered. After posing questions to several individuals try to find out how and what they were doing, I learned they were all very similar in some respect.

In addition to optimistic attitudes, the commonality was in how they planned and organized their days. Each of them expressed a consistent daily practice that became habitual. After all, we know consistency is the key to success. Most successful home based business owners will tell you the secret to their success is to be more consistent than anyone else with regard to building their businesses. These leaders talked about five distinct practices they do daily. These practices included:

1. Exercising the mind and body

  • meditation or being spiritual
  • increasing the heart rate in some capacity for at least 20 minutes; walking or running

2. Studying personal development

  • research personal development leaders (e.g. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, etc.)
  • listen to courses and read books that are inspirational
  • avoid limiting belief language and thoughts
  • LIST new concepts and ideas promoting personal growth (Learn-Implement-Share-Teach)

3. Establish a Leadership Mindset

  • take action and be accountable for your results
  • cultivate mindset that you will overcome all adversity and obstacles in order to reach your goals
  • follow through on everything – give 100%
  • mediocrity is not an option
  • edify others and exemplify integrity in all you do

4. Income Producing and Brand Building Activity

  • expose your business through marketing and advertising
  • establish a marketing funnel to generate leads
  • call leads and follow up

5. Lock Arms with Networking Community

  • brainstorm with leaders in your business
  • monitor and track other successful people within the industry
  • interact with like-minded business owners
  • create a nurturing environment by surrounding yourself with successful people

Learning the importance of planning out your day and including these practices into your life is significant. We need to forget the excuses and get into action. What about you? Are you working these things into your daily method of operation?