While sitting at the airport people gazing between flights, knowing I should be doing something more productive for my business, I reached into my backpack and pulled out the February edition of Success magazine with Joel Osteen on the cover (..yes, I am guilty of being a few months behind in magazine reading. Too much work, so little free time).                               Joel Osteen

After scanning the first few pages of the magazine, I came across an article on maxing out productivity and had to read it given my circumstances.

The article in question was by Denis Waitley and titled “8 Ways to Max Out Your Productivity”. The premise of the article is in daily life it is very easy to lose focus especially if you have goals and big dreams you are aiming towards.

There’s so much distraction we encounter but Denis emphasizes having balance and consistency in making the most of each and every day.

8 Daily Productivity Hacks

The 8 ways described in the article to increase productivity are: 

  1. Write down important goals and priorities all in one place. Review and reflect on these often.
  2. Take maximum advantage of the first hour of your workday. Take on your most important tasks and organize the rest of the day. Limit your socializing in the break room in favor of getting your work done.
  3. Do not multitask. Focus on one thing at a time and do it well. There is a misconception that doing many things at the same time is beneficial. However, studies and experiments show that starting and stopping different activities is similar to the performance of an alcoholic under the influence.
  4. Prioritize your email. View a preliminary clip of what the note is about and pick a time to allow for email (e.g. review email 2 times per day). As part of this practice make sure you avoid reading SPAM or JUNK email.
  5. Complete your action item list. Avoid having to revisit something as that can be a huge time drain.
  6. Organize and plan your to do list. Often spend a few minutes each day planning and reviewing your list.
  7. Work relaxation into the day. Whether it is during lunch or a few times throughout the day make sure relaxation is part of our daily method of operation.
  8. Vacation often. Balance is key to productivity so with all your hard work make sure there is adequate “play” or “vacation time” built in to relieve some of your stress.

As you can imagine, after reading this article I immediately got moving and made writing this blog post part of my daily productivity. These 8 actions are definitely worthy of putting in your tool box when your productivity comes into question.

Please comment or share if you got any value.


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