If you missed the cold market business development conference a couple of weeks ago you missed a great opportunity to learn what other successful entrepreneurs are doing to grow their businesses.

The virtual attendance option for the 3 day conference in Las Vegas was AWESOME! Virtual meaning the conference was “live streamed” in that from the comfort of your home and computer, access was granted to see and hear the “live” presentations happening in real-time at the event. There was also a replay of the conference made available for those who needed to hear the information a few times in order for it to sink in. This replay of the event was also valuable in allowing you time to watch at your leisure before putting your plan in place. 

The conference focus was teaching and developing skills for those in the home based business industry (direct sales, network marketing professionals and affiliate marketers). Things like how to prospect in the cold market for potential customers and clients was discussed and debated.

Other topics included building rapport and relationships, offline marketing techniques (e.g. direct mail, referrals, clubs, associations) and marketing on the internet (e.g. social media – Facebook, YouTube, etc.). The presentations were jam-packed full of value on how to strategically think about your business from a marketing and brand building perspective.

The conference was sponsored and facilitated by a legend in the network marketing profession, Eric Worre. He pulled together an “All Star” list of instructors for the conference.  This guru list included the likes of Brendon Burchard, Bob Burg, Todd Falcone, Jordan Adler, Tim Sales and Ray Higdon just to name few.                                                                                                                                                                           Balance Gary V

In his role as facilitator, Eric was talking about how more and more people are choosing and exploring the home-based business industry out of necessity. Working in the rat race for an employer or “the machine” is broken. This new economy and it’s uncertainty has many more people open to alternatives to generating income or a Plan B.

The video below demonstrates just how urgent finding a Plan B is. Check out the video below by clicking the play button. If you do not have a Plan B it will definitely serve as motivation to get one?


Please share if you got any value.


P.S. If you are looking for more information on growing your home based or small business (including brick & mortar businesses) using the internet Click Here to find a winning formula marketers use to generate income.

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