If not, you better start making the shift. The Facebook community has grown to over 1 billion monthly active users strong and growing. In fact, if you are not Facebook marketing many would say you are behind the curve and have a lot of catching up to do. Getting your product or service in front of these people and having a Facebook marketing strategy and presence is very important.

What Facebook Marketing method are you using?

As a small business owner, experimenting with various means to market your business is a requirement. Each day just like all business owners one of your goals is to execute a marketing and advertising strategy that does not put you in the poor house (aka…out of business).

Facebook Marketing tips and strategies

For those of you not yet on Facebook, looking for solutions to advertise and market your business is quite simple. Assuming  you are familiar with using Facebook on a personal level, the   first step would be creating a business fan page. You can create a fan page in a matter of minutes. You can go to Youtube and search for creating a fan page and have several videos at your fingertips for learning how to get this accomplished. You can  click here to access a free video on Facebook marketing.

There is also a neat little tool on the market that is an absolute requirement for anyone looking for help with Facebook marketing. This tool allows your customers to watch a video right from your Facebook page. It embeds a video right into your news feed. This means your audience would stay right on your site or fan page without leaving it while watching your video content.

Normally, if you would like your customers to view something or watch a video it would involve them clicking on a link and ultimately leaving Facebook to watch your video or promotion. This can be somewhat problematic. When you think about it, you usually go there to market, socialize and find out what your friends are up to. Having to click a link to go to some other page or website may be sending your audience away from your fan page (..not necessarily a great idea if you are trying to build a brand).

Click here to take a look at this to see how it actually works. This will definitely be a game changer with regard to Facebook marketing.

If you do not have a Facebook marketing strategy, get one as soon as possible because it is here to stay and has revolutionized the way we do business. Leave us a comment below letting us know how you use Facebook with your business. It is time we all stop standing on the sidelines and get into the game!


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net