I was on my way to an “open house” recital dance class one early evening with my girls. We were talking about their practice sessions prior to the class and whether they were feeling prepared. I was surprised as soon as we pulled into the parking lot because my husband was already parked and talking on his Blackberry waiting for our arrival. He knew it was happening that evening but given his work schedule and this late afternoon affair, I did not think he was going to make it. We got out of our cars, exchanged greetings, calmed the girls down and made our way into the dance center.

As I looked around the center, I noticed that my husband was one of only a few men present and the watching the screening. I expected to see more fathers. Did all the other fathers not want to be there? Were they to busy at their jobs to leave a little early? Was their daughter’s performance not a priority? I felt very happy my husband was there at that moment. It was a struggle to get to that point. You see he almost missed his daughter’s birth completely while getting on a plane for business travel. If it were not for my urgent call while getting ready to board his international flight, he would not have been present and would have regretted not being there.

As I sat through the performance, I wondered why things had to be that way. In having kids, the plan is to spend as much time with them as possible, right? It seems as though much of our lives these days are filled with work and activities that separate families and family time. It is really time to rethink this dynamic. I am sure most, if not all the fathers wanted to be there but could not because of their work schedules. Is this the vision you have for your family? The other moms and daughters in the room probably wished their significant others and fathers were there sharing in the experience. I can only imagine how dinner conversation went that night for these families. That is of course provided dinner together is a family activity. Interesting… 🙂

Are you and your family challenged with trying to fit everything into a day and still coming up 3-4 hours too short? It seems like most family schedules are out of control. Are you living for the weekends only to be a chauffeur for events and sporting activities? In the grand scheme of things it boils down to finances or having a Plan B.  If your finances were different would your family have more “family time”? It is time to take back our family time by planning alternative income options. No matter what they are commit to them and execute. Your families’ mental health depends upon it.