Do you have access to free online training? If not, you are missing the boat as it’s the best way to increase your knowledge especially if the teachers are successful byproducts of the category or market you are seeking to dominate.

Earlier this week, I attended a free online training webinar on being more productive using your email. I know what your thinking, “that sounds like a real sleeper session and quite boring”, well I thought that too but ended up getting a lot of value out of the webinar and the other attendees found it to be a great training as well based on the comments.

This online training webinar focused on using the new Google gmail platform to your advantage. If you are like most people checking their email, it is not the most productive part of the day and usually 5 minutes turns into 30 minutes before you know it and you have wasted a lot of time. As the online training reviewed, there are many ways to energize your inbox and begin to focus on getting stuff done.
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As Dr. Ned Hallowell, the New York times bestselling author of Driven to Distraction says, “checking your email is screen sucking”. You log on with intentions of being brief and getting things done and before you know it, a significant amount of time and energy has been lost.   As you know, there is something very irresistible about an unopened email message.

This free online training webinar proved that with consistent action setting up some easy filtering edits in your email account, you can make your life much easier. It definitely will  lead to more efficiency in your inbox.

FREE Online trainings like this happen every Wednesday as part of our marketing system and community.

The last five trainings were AWESOME. Check this out; the titles of the last five training webinars were as follows:

  1. Zapping Your Productivity into High Gear Using Gmail
  2. New Disruptive Technology – Creating Instant Traffic, Leads and Sales on Autopilot
  3. Killer Twitter Training to get 15 Leads Per Day
  4. Master Prospecting Playbook – Prospecting on Steroids
  5. Cracking the Code with Successful Business Coaching Experiences

All of these trainings are recorded and given as a benefit to members of our marketing system and community. There is no cost to attend the trainings. If you are serious about getting free online marketing and training my suggestion is you plug in immediately. You can check it out by clicking here.