Just started a business and need to generate leads? If you are in any kind of sales position and trying to grow your business and need to find people to speak to about your business, this is something you definitely want to keep reading. If your sources of connecting with people about your business are limited, this software/tool I am introducing you to will definitely help in that endeavor.

Generate Leads

Lead Generation Software

Target Leads For Any Business….

This software can be used to focus on just about any industry or sector. You are limited only by your imagination in terms of how you pinpoint that target market to generate leads. Examples of how this tool can be used in various industry sectors includes:

  • Insurance Agents and Brokers
  • Restaurants and Diners
  • Automotive Service Stations
  • Lawn care/Landscaping professionals
  • Real Estate Agents and Brokers
  • Therapists, Doctors, Lawyers, etc.

This is a small sample of the markets this software can touch. In a nutshell, the areas of opportunity are all dependent upon your creative thinking.

Extract Thousands of Leads Daily With No Limit….

Using this software you can go into several platforms on the internet to gather data about businesses or anyone else doing business on the internet. The platforms include Yellowbook, MerchantCircle, Google, Yahoo, CraigsList and Backpage. You spend a little time doing research on your target market and then running quick reports using the extraction component of the tool to pull and generate leads. You can pull leads at will or as many times as your heart desires.

Compile Unlimited Mailing Lists….

This software also has list building capability and provides a mailing label option for those interested in marketing using snail mail. As you know, snail mail has been around the longest and is still a very profitable way of marketing.

Contacts Leads Immediately Through Phone Broadcasting….

Using the phone broadcasting component of the tool, you can dial thousands of leads daily with a structured and targeted message. Spend a little time getting your message together and broadcast instantly. It automatically has triggers built in to prevent dialing prospects on the Do Not Call List.

These are the main components of this software that can have you generating leads in a matter of minutes. If you are not really technical, no worries. This system is intuitive and the back office training is awesome. You can be set up operating your own system immediately. You definitely need this system and communityin your tool box and you will be able to introduce your business to thousands very quickly. We use it and highly recommend it to get your business rocking!