We are three months into the New Year and it is evaluation time. Are you on track to accomplish your first quarter goals with your business?

Yes, life happens and priorities are constantly changing and shifting as a reaction. We must be steadfast and committed because any deviation in our actions can and will have a ripple effect on satisfying our goals and objectives. Reaching for and achieving breakthroughs personally and professionally can get lost in this noise if you let them. Revisiting your “why” and goals for the year on a routine basis is key to staying focused and committed if we are to get to the next level.

This falls in line with pursuing your goals with passion and reckless abandonment as if your life depended upon it (…legally and ethically of course :-)). Making sacrifices now and being so motivated that you are moved to tears if you feel you will not accomplish your goals is the point.

I was listening to a very popular financial guru the other day while she was giving advice to callers on her show. A woman dialed into the show indicating she was 60 years old and her goal was to retire towards the end of Spring from an organization she worked at for most of her adult life. Her portfolio had lost a lot of value over the last three years and she was concerned. Her specific question was whether she had enough funds to retire with approximately $700K. The guru asked a couple of clarification questions and then went on to render her decision based on the circumstances.

The consulting advice from this guru was “do not retire” and continue working for the next 5-7 years instead. As the caller listened for a minute as to the reasoning and then responded, you could hear the frustration in her voice recounting how retirement at that point was her motivation. She was deeply saddened after reflecting on all of those years she had sacrificed and was really looking forward to immediate retirement. She seemed to be heartbroken.

As I went on with the rest of my day, I could not help but think about how this woman felt knowing the recommendation was to keep working for 5-7 more years. Can you relate? Could she have planned more or made alternative financial decisions? Was she ever exposed to a Plan B? It was a sad story but should make your commitment to going after and achieving your goals with all the strength you have that much more significant.