Have you ever wanted to attend a conference and just not sure if it was worth all the effort? For instance, you have concerns about making time in your schedule and need to justify the travel and expenses. You focus on the return on investment if you attend the event especially if you currently have a job or run you own business.

High Performance Academy

The good news is conferences and events can lead to major breakthroughs in your business. If taken seriously, these events can provide solutions for your business if you act on what you learn when you get back home.

If you have a job and your own part time home-based business, attending these events can allow for networking with others who are just like you. You can walk away with several nuggets of information and insight if you use the opportunity to raise questions with these business owners.  An additional benefit in attending would be the conference can be a tax write off (consult your own tax advisor for guidance). 


I attended Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Academy the last weekend in February and was pleasantly surprised.  This 4 day conference provided so much value and had a jam packed agenda. It included going from 9am – 7pm for 3 of those days with the 4th day or Sunday going from 9-1pm.  The practical exercises and teachings laid the groundwork for becoming a high performer.

HPA picture

However, going into the conference I did not know what to expect.  Being one of those individuals who avoids the fluff and “rah, rah” associated with a lot of conferences, Brendon’s teaching methodology was no different than what we have come to expect from him in terms of being personable and inspirational.  As compared to his social media presence (e.g. Facebook, You Tube, etc.), you get more detailed stories at the conference which help reinforce principles.

He also invites a few successful and influential thought leaders to the conference and gives them time on his stage to share or teach. During this session, two of his guests included Dr. David Amen (author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life) and David Asprey (author of The Bulletproof Diet and creator of Bulletproof coffee).   

The video below captures some of the content covered during the conference.  Brendon and his team were pretty adamant about not recording during the event in favor of being a more focused participant. Forgive the poor video lighting as the last day was winding down and my search for good lighting was not a successful one.  In retrospect, I would highly recommend High Performance Academy if you are looking to totally transform your life and or business.

Please comment or share if you got any value.


P.S. If you are looking for more information on growing your home based or small business (including brick & mortar businesses) using the internet Click Here to find a winning platform used by several successful business owners and marketers.