Should You Pay To Advertise Your Home-Based Business?

It all depends on what your goals and objectives are and how fast you want to grow or scale the business. The reality is you do not need to pay for advertising when just starting out. Many home-based business owners have gone the route of using relationship marketing and other ways to promote their businesses without having to incur any expenses.

This usually means taking advantage of all FREE ways to get your home based business or brand out there so the public knows you exist. This can involve participating in local meetings and events like the Chamber of Commerce or any other local networking clubs.                                                                                     Advertise Your Business Here

In addition, the internet and social media also provide ways for free exposure. One specific idea would be to “Google” networking clubs or events in your area. You could even join groups on all of the popular social networking platforms like Facebook, Google+, Instagram or LinkedIn and engage with your audience that way.

Another popular way to connect with your audience is to join a local MeetUp group. At the time of writing this post, going onto the MeetUp site showed there were 66 groups with over 31,000 members in our area. If you cannot find a group that represents your service of product, create it. MeetUp allows you to set up or create a new group in your area easily.

However, at some point you will come to the conclusion that all the free avenues you are pursuing are not yielding quality or efficient results. To be clear, this time period could range from 1 month to several years. Some experts in this space usually say they started out with the free stuff and eventually moved to paying for advertising. Paying for it enabled them to focus and target the marketing for their specific audience which ultimately lead to a more direct consumer.

Trends In Home Based Business Advertising

If you decided that paying to advertise your home-based business is the way to go, then you should definitely pay attention to how and where your audience is consuming content. In other words, are they primarily tapping into social media sitting at home in their office on a desktop or on their mobile phone on their commute to and from work?

Knowing this is an essential insight into how you should advertise. If you do not have any of this information or data, then testing out some advertising is a way to get your feet wet. This inevitably will help you determine what’s best for your business. Doing this will also help you begin to understand your audience.

Some interesting data courtesy of Statista in 2015 was Facebook’s mobile ad revenue was 76% of Facebook’s advertising and 72% of their total ad revenue. Do you think the people placing ads with Facebook know something we do not? If placing these ads are driving Facebook’s revenue, the question becomes whether they are profitable campaigns for these advertisers and whether you should be in the game.                                                                                                                      FB Mobile App Growth             

FB has also made some major acquisitions to make sure they stay ahead of the curve and trend in terms of mobile utilization. You can argue this also means they are aggressively looking for advertisers. This Statista chart above indicates how these Facebook owned mobile services or apps have grown from one year to the next and continue to build momentum. One thing is clear, as an advertising platform, mobile device usage with regard to services and apps continues to increase. This is a fact you should use to your advantage when you start your advertising campaign(s).

If you would like more information on using mobile advertising for your small or home based business to generate leads using the Facebook platform mentioned above Click Here.

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P.S. If you are looking for more information on growing your home based or small business (including brick & mortar businesses) using the internet Click Here to find a platform used by several successful business owners and marketers.
Facebook Chart Image courtesy of