Recently heard a quote from a very successful person in the home based business industry regarding her business and the trials and tribulations she has experienced on her way to the top.

Your WHY should Inspire!

She was referencing a team meeting she had where the topic was growing and expanding the team’s business. During the meeting while addressing her team she said “If you do not feel like quitting your business at least 3-4 times per week then you are not working it hard enough.” She then went on to talk about how having a strong “Why” was the reason to stay focused, motivated and unrelenting in moving forward with your business in spite of these thoughts.

Hearing this was inspirational and similar to having an “aha” moment. Just like any other small business owner, thoughts like this surface every now and then within our business. During times like this it is important to maintain the positive attitude and stay in action.

In the book, Start With Why, How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action,  Simon Sinek says “The why provides the context for everything else….Whether in leadership, decision-making or communication, starting with why has a profound and long-lasting impact on the result. Starting with why is what inspires people to act.”

If you think about it, there is often a deeper reason driving those seeking to make their business successful. Their Why is so strong and transformational that all obstacles are  seen as temporary. Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”

So what is your Why? Is it strong enough or can it be compromised? Make sure your Why is the first step and driving force behind your business endeavor.