What would you do if you were told by your doctors you only had two years to live?

I was on a conference call listening to a leader in my business describe how he was faced with this dilemma. His immediate thought was the financial support of his family. In a business where he was the “key” employee, how would his family be taken care of when he was no longer here?

After receiving alternative medical treatment and continuing to focus on his goals, he ultimately beat the disease and went on to become incredibly successful in the network marketing industry.

As we know, adversity in life is a given but for a moment, put yourself in his shoes. How would this influence your actions? What would inspire you?

Experiences during trying times like this serve as life lessons and inspiration for us all. When thinking of life events like this, I am often drawn to the personal development teachings of author Dr. Wayne Dyer. All of his books and material should be a staple in the learning curriculum of anyone looking to escape the mundane. I would also argue he is a coach and mentor for all small business owners wanting to take their business to the next level.

In the book entitled, “Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling” or as I like to facetiously refer to it, “The Small Business Owners Mental Manifesto”, he points out six essential principals for living an inspired life:

In no specific order they are:

1. Be independent of the good spirit or opinion of others

2. Be willing to accept the disapproval of others

3. Stay detached from outcomes

4. Know that we need no thing/nothing to be inspired (it’s all within)

5. Remember that our desires will not arrive by our schedule

6. Do not die wondering or full of regrets

In light of Dr. Dyers essentials and relating to the story above, you can see how not wanting to leave this place wondering how family would be cared for was of primary concern.

In this case, inspiration produced action which led to making things happen. If not already, we should be inspired in everything we do in life and business because you never know when your number could be called.

Let’s resolve to live inspired lives!