We got a chance to see Les Brown speaking at the Eric Worre Go Pro Mastery Seminar in Las Vegas in early December. Les was phenomenal as always but said something that really hit a nerve. “If you do what is easy life will be hard. But do what is hard and life will be easy”. He was paraphrasing a friend and teacher but went on to say how this is what is holding so many from their true potential.

Les Brown and Life's Challenges.

Doing what is easy is characterized as complaining, always playing the victim, giving up on your dreams and surrendering to the doldrums of life. Many go through this and wonder way life is so difficult because they are not challenging themselves.

However, when you do what is hard, life will be easy. In this case, hard is defined as challenging and stretching yourself in every capacity. Getting out of your comfort  zone will push you and lead to growth beyond belief. Les advocates for  doing more of this in your life.

So how do you create these types of challenges?

As Brendon Burchard put it in his New York Times best selling book, The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive, your challenges should be real, observable, and time honored.

Real would be a challenge that pushes or stretches you like never before. In other words, one that takes you out of your comfort zone. For example, pursuing something you are passionate about like establishing a website or blog. These challenges should not be easy to accomplish.

Challenges should also be observable in that others would be able to view and gauge your performance during the entire process. For example, using the website example, you get a group of friends or your significant other to monitor your activities and progress. This person would be able to openly and honestly judge your performance and support you during the highs and lows of getting things up and running successfully.

Finally, these challenges should be timely in having beginning and ending dates. Following the same website example, you agree to have it complete in 7 days.


So What Will Challenge You in The New Year?

It is entirely up to you. Now is the time to work on developing your challenges for 2013. The key is to remember to have a written plan or strategy and take massive action. These steps will assure you a successful New Year.




Image courtesy of scottchan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net