I was catching up with a childhood friend the other day reminiscing about the trials and tribulations we used to get into as kids. Let’s just say we were partners in crime 🙂 growing up. For those of you with your mind in the gutter, I am not speaking of anything illegal of course; just typical preteen drama we all experience.

Somehow during our conversation, we drifted into the idea of being passionate in the things we do especially our work. You see, my friend had this incredible artistic ability and I asked him if he was still pursuing it. Although he indicated he still loved doing it, life was just getting in the way in terms of being able to focus on it. I could tell by the tone in his voice this was not something he was happy about.

He went on to praise us (my wife and I) for starting a small business and website and expressed his admiration for us in completely jumping into this online world and not skipping a beat. Knowing he had several other interests outside of his full time job, I asked if he was acting on any of them. He then explained how finding the time was just to challenging for him at this point in his life.

What do you mean by challenging? I asked. We all are time challenged and just have to find it in order to pursue what makes us happy. He was completely shocked when I shared with him how little time is spent in actually running this website or blog. There is a big time investment upfront but then only requires content development thereafter.

It may also require you find tools to help support and maintain your endeavor which should give you back some of your time. If you are working a full time job pursuing your passion may require you stay up a little later than normal at night to get things set up but it certainly will be worth it.  For example, the best part about this blog is using the Thesis platform. It is for the total non-technical person but allows you to make adjustments to the appearance of your blog on the fly. There is an initial expense but it certainly will pay for itself when you do not have to pay for a programmer/consultant to make changes and will ultimately save you time.

Are you passionate about your work? Is life getting in the way of you taking action on something you are passionate about?  Get out of this zone and take some action immediately because as they say, “life is too short” not to be experiencing things you are passionate about.

If you are open to learning about a side project that can help you pursue your passion by providing control of your time and finances, we would love to connect with you.