Did you have a productive work week and accomplish all you set out to by the end of the week?

As I got up this morning and prepared for the day, I felt trapped by my lifestyle. In other words, it felt as though all of my dreams and aspirations were taking a backseat to daily “busy” activity and work at the J O B. Oh yes, the dream deferred syndrome. Can you relate?

Before pulling out of the driveway, I started thinking of all the people who have made bold decisions in their lives and are actually living out loud. Imagine what it is like to have the financial freedom to do what you want, when you want to each and every day. I do not know about you but my alarm clock would be toast! In his book, Caught Between a Dream and a Job, Delatorro McNeal reveals some startling facts about the average worker. Check out these statistics:

  • 87% of people do not like their jobs
  • 50% do not fill satisfied or fulfilled
  • 25% say the job is the #1 stress factor in their lives
  • 41% are living paycheck to paycheck
  • 70% are not motivated by what they do
  • 50% are woefully underpaid
  • 67% say they are in the wrong field/business
  • 72% say they are being undermined and will not succeed at work

It makes you wonder what action plans (..if any) these folks are putting in place. Have they considered any alternatives? I would speculate not many because in general most seem to accept what life has brought them and resolve they have no impact. This could not be farther from the truth. It is all about the choices we make towards living a fulfilled and meaningful life and executing your action plan. Let’s get out there and pursue our dreams with passion.

Please share if you got any value.


www.AlternateIncomePlan.com with Sharron & Jarrott

P.S. If you are looking for more information on growing your business and building your tribe using the internet Click Here to find a winning formula marketers use to generate income.