Answer the following question and be completely honest with yourself.

a.) Yes, I would do it even if I did not get paid
b.) No, never have and never will; it’s just a paycheck

If “a” was your choice, then hats off to you because you make up approximately 5-10% of the population who feels this way. The better question is what are those of you who answered “b” doing to change this. That is of course assuming you do want to change it :-).

While reading some things about Gary Vaynerchuk, I came across one his quotes that really touched a nerve. You know Gary right? The man behind the juggernaut brand and book entitled Crush It with his in your face persona and New York delivery style on everything related to wine.

Great story if you have not heard of him. He turned a mom and pop wine store into a very successful small business using the internet as a platform. His business branding philosophy is a must read for all entrepreneurs and home based business owners alike.

Gary said “Some of you are doing sh*t you hate! Please stop it! You can be just as broke doing something you love!”  Think about this for a minute. Can you relate? Are you passionate about what you do?

This conjured up the feeling of being stuck and desperately seeking answers to break free and finding the thing you love. In her book, Stop Saying You’re Fine, Discover a More Powerful You, Mel Robbins talks about breaking away from that stuck feeling by getting out of your own way and finding the truth about what’s holding you back. She mentions taking these five steps to get away from that stuck feeling and get what you want:

  1. Face the truth that something is missing in your life and you have been avoiding it because it is easier to do nothing.
  2. Admit to yourself what you really want.
  3. Go public and tell the world; tell three people and ask them for advice.
  4. Create a mind map. Identify the steps necessary to achieve your goal.
  5. Lean toward what you want by taking the first small step. Then lean in again.

Addressing these five steps will lead to moving away from being stuck and get you into action. Ultimately, your challenge is to move in the direction of doing something you love and are absolutely passionate about that makes you happy and can pay your bills as well. This is truly the desired state for all of us. What do you think?

Image: Michal Marcol /