We wanted to provide a page of helpful information with regard to starting and operating an internet and network marketing business. This page will be referenced often and constantly evolving as we test new and different things.

Please note some of the resources mentioned below are affiliate links to products and are provided at no additional cost to you. It is our intent to show you what we are using which has helped us tremendously in getting our business up and running. In other words, we are recommending because we have practical experience with the product or service and its ultimate value.


  • WordPress – platform for running and operating your blog
  • WordPress (plugins) – plugins or tools to use with your blog to make administration and functionality easier. In other words, you do not have to know the coding language or be a programmer.
  • Avada Theme Fusion for WordPress – Options galore and a helpful support community – This is the theme or appearance of our blog and includes the layout. There is a cost in purchasing this theme and because there are literally thousands of FREE themes available on the web, this purchase should not be considered lightly. Our reasoning for purchasing centered on the fact that we are not technical and would need to pay a programmer for every little change we wanted to make to our blog’s appearance. This theme allows for modifications that even a novice or newbie can make very easily.


  • Host Gator – web or blog hosting service. This site is hosted by HostGator.

Outsourcing Design Work

  • Upwork – we hired a consultant to help bring this blog to life from a concept. We like their bidding process and work tracking feature. A must if you have any work that needs to be done for your business (e.g. virtual assistants, technical writing, programmers, etc.).

Video Capturing

  • Camtasia for PC – screen capture software
  • ScreenFlow for MAC – screen capture software

Niche Sites – Tools to learn Internet Marketing

  • Internet Marketing System – awesome training system to help you learn how to use the internet to build your brand and generate leads for your business (e.g. online and brick and mortar businesses). There are weekly recorded training sessions designed around a different marketing strategy and accessible 24/7. There is also a supportive Facebook community page where you can also get any questions answered. With over ten years experience in the space, this community has produced many of the leaders in internet marketing and is a marketer’s dream come true with all of the tools (e.g. landing pages, shareable content, training, CRM, page builder, etc.).

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