Does hearing the phrase “getting rich quick” with regard to a business opportunity immediately make you feel sick and completely pessimistic? It definitely should with all the hype we have experienced in the home-based business industry. Let’s put this into perspective. The first thing that should come to mind is how the word quick is being defined and what is considered rich. In your mind if quick is 5 days, 5 weeks, or 5 months and one million dollars is your threshold, then it is no wonder there is hesitancy in believing. However, would you consider two years, four years or six years quick in obtaining the same one million dollars? In the grand scheme of things, this time period is quick when examining your financial goals over the course of your working lifetime.

If it takes you a quick two years to get to the million dollar mark, wouldn’t it have been well worth the time and effort? The flip side is working 40 plus years and retiring with limited funds. Go look at any statistic about the average retiree and their financial picture. When planning their retirement, I do not think continuing to work for fear of running out of money in their golden years was the goal.

It is easy to conclude getting rich quick is legitimate depending upon the opportunity and time period involved. Success stories are all around of small business owners who have gone on to grow exponentially or scale up their business into the million and billion dollar range. This is clearly demonstrated in the online business world whereby great success can be achieved in a relatively short period of time (e.g. Facebook – Zuckerberg).

In the book entitled “Outliers: The Story of Success”, the author indicates it takes 10,000 hours to be successful at anything. The key is to delve a little deeper into the success stories you hear and read about. Even if it takes 10 years of energy devoted to developing a successful business, it would be a welcomed result with a great story about the long and difficult journey.

The sad truth is that most people are very impatient. If starting a business today does not produce a successful business tomorrow, there are thoughts of throwing in the towel and quitting. With a bad taste in their mouth, they are ready to move on without having invested any real time. Giving yourself time is significant in developing your successful Plan B. When you analyze and review what is at stake during your lifetime, getting rich quick or as soon as possible should be the focus after weighing all options and should not be frowned upon.