Are your limiting beliefs making their way into your speech patterns? If you started on a path of creating a small business from home, getting past the preconceived notion that “working from home” is not real work and incapable of generating a full time income may be your biggest challenge. This challenge will be in your own mind. It will be the constant battle for alignment of the conscious and subconscious mind and how you decide to affirm all that is positive and enriching.

Monitoring your language is significant in how you function and operate subconsciously. In other words, your effectiveness will be compounded by identifying and correcting limiting internal and external dialogue. This limiting language should be identified as inappropriate and expelled from future thought. It follows the saying, “garbage in equals garbage out” which is what you want to stay away from. The key point is to identify the language as it is being communicated and immediately make the corrections so as to impact future patterns. If done on a conscious level with a whole lot of practice, it will become a subconscious experience.

Limiting Beliefs

In a chapter in the book, Integrity Is Everthing, author John Lavenia talks about the differences between the masses and people reaching for and achieving their goals. He stipulates that successful people are exact in the words and language they give energy to. They do experience adversity and could be complaining about it but instead refuse to give any energy to the ideas they do not want in their lives. They ignore the meaningless distractions and focus on the thoughts they chose to. He gives a great example in the book of how a business acquaintance called him affirming that he was struggling. Knowing that a person can not be helped if they affirm limiting beliefs, John offered some advice and redirected the statement. A shift in language and thoughts resulted in the acquaintance’s understanding of not affirming struggling. This speech shift created a new self image for this person and thus new possibilities.

Whether you are starting on your journey of creating a home based business or a seasoned professional within the industry, start paying attention to your daily language. If necessary, alter the way you may be communicating. In addition,  plot a course to make sure you are feeding your mind through personal development. Find the time and energy to read and learn from those who have reached your desired level of success. Resolve to eliminate limiting belief speech and all the negatives associated with it. Above all, remember language can shape your life circumstances which automatically cascades down to your success in business.

Image: graur codrin /