Hey there, we were on a webinar earlier this week with an internet guru in the applications (APPs) development category. He is very successful in developing gaming APPS for smart phones and his story demonstrates success does leave clues. He was introducing himself and going over some facts about his business’ financial success and why he was qualified to be teaching the over 1,000 small business owners who were in attendance.

Success Leaves Clues!

During this introduction, he shared something very common but hardly ever practiced by most small business owners. His secret to success was a result of doing 3 simple things:

  1.  Find a trend or strategy online that you like and can see yourself doing that is  “killing it” (i.e. making money)
  2. Research it by finding and reading everything you can on this topic or strategy until you can speak intelligently about it
  3. Act on it

With regard to these three things, he tied them all together by modeling the process and behavior which ultimately yielded the success he wanted to achieve. In other words, after his research, he got into action creating a model that cloned the success. By doing so, his success was predictable if he worked it as hard as possible.

In the APP development category, he researched examples of gaming APPS that were doing well online and copied the business model without infringing. After making changes and tweaking things to his liking, he released his own version.

Does this work every time? Of course not, but it should be the process and strategy you use when contemplating taking on a project of this sort. He had documented proof this idea or strategy would be successful and just needed to follow through on implementation.

As he claimed, his hard work was the differentiator. He also went on to say that “hard” work was the reason why most fail. Giving up and quitting is often times easier to people.

Another example in success leaving clues is modeling success or acting on the advice of a mentor. Many successful leaders in the home based small business profession credit their success to this concept. Find someone successful and do what they did to get there. Use their coaching and support to take you to a new level.

As you know, it is always easier said than done. Sometimes it just seems easier to reinvent the wheel. If you own a home based business and understand success leaves clues, click here to see the marketing system clue we recommend. The main question is…what are you doing or who are you following to bring about the success you are looking for?


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net