While catching up on reading material missed during Christmas and New Years, I came across the November 2012 edition of the Success From Home magazine. In it there was great article by ZIg ZIglar who was arguably one of the best motivational speakers, authors and trainers in the home-based business industry. This article was timely in that ZIglar died in November last year and it could have been one of his last published pieces of work.
Born To WIn Success Principles
The late, great Zig Ziglar once said “You were born to win, but to be the winner you were born to be, you have to plan to win and prepare to win. Then and only then can you expect to win.” This is called Ziglar’s Gold.  Ziglar also said “Our whole philosophy’s built around the concept that you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. That works in your personal life, your physical life. It works in corporate America. It works in government. It works everywhere.” If you are looking to make a transformation in your business, then you should follow these principles.

There are a couple of key factors in planning to win. First, it is having a clear vision. Vision in terms knowing beyond any reasonable doubt what you want. You want it so bad you can actually taste it and have documented several targets for reaching your goals and objectives. Second, is the importance of desire. Desire is the motivation to keep driving towards your goals and objectives which will ultimately lead to success in your life and business.

Preparing to win is about getting the tools necessary to make success a reality. Ziglar says these five things are required:

  1. You must have the right knowledge to win
  2. You must continually raise your personal performance bar
  3. You must acquire tools that help you work better and faster
  4. You have to practice your skills
  5. You have to surround yourself with positive influences and people

Planning and preparing to win requires consistent focused effort. It is a process and will definitely evolve on a daily basis. If you do these things it sets the expectation that you will win and be successful. So let’s follow these steps and start expecting to win.