Recently while flipping through some inspirational books on successful people in the network marketing industry, we came across the story of a gentleman in the industry who went on for 10 straight years without generating any business. Yes, you read that right. 10 straight years!

Would you have stayed in the game that long with no success?

With persistence and implementing some practices leading to a positive mindset he turned things around and developed a success formula. He then went on to generate over $8 million dollars over the next 5 years in his business. Now today, nearly 15 years later, he continues to be a $2 million per year income earner.

Rather than playing the blame game and sulking at his initial failure, he used that time to learn and develop. He chose not to focus on the failure or his struggles. He decided to push through and overcome the obstacles.

In the book, “Network Marketing Straight Talk”, George Zalucki talks about why people fail within the industry. George says people fail because:

  1. They lack understanding of what success demands of them.
  2. They lack the motivation to learn what is required.
  3. They lack the necessary self discipline.
  4. They constantly offer excuses and rationalizations to avoid the uncomfortable aspects of personal growth and change.
  5. They lack integrity with self and others.
  6. They seem committed to maintaining a poor self image.
  7. They are strongly inclined toward negative thinking and attitudes.
  8. They lack self responsibility.
  9. They lack the will to sustain their efforts when disappointments come their way.
  10. They have the habit of projecting their failures and shortcomings on others.
  11. They have a low tolerance for emotional, physical or financial discomfort.
  12. When exposed to the wisdom, instructions and attitudes of the winners in life, they choose instead the influences and thought patterns of the masses who are stuck in lives of quiet desperation devoid of dreams.

Wow, this list is pretty intense, right? It actually applies to any business. The trick is to avoid doing these things at all costs to prevent failure.

You must be consistent in developing a successful and positive mindset and run your business like a marathon. In other words, do not give up when you experience the slightest bit of adversity because as they say; you will be challenged :-). With a positive mindset followed up with consistent action you will be successful.

If you have a positive mindset and open to additional sources of income, we would love to connect with you.

Image: renjith krishnan /