Have you noticed that most of the major internet marketing authorities have created a business coaching component to their service offering? It appears this year may have just been the year of getting a personal coach.

Whether or not you have bought into this service, there is value in getting help from coaching as it can make a big difference. Several of our business partners and colleagues have taken on entrepreneurial coaches this year in order to transform their businesses.


Coaching is a process of utilizing focused conversations that lead to action, growth and improvement in all aspects of life and business. It is designed to help you reach or achieve whatever goals and objectives you have committed to within a given time period. This coaching also has built in accountability as the coach will have a vested interest in helping you reach your goal as well.

You can be coached on just about anything you feel may need focused attention to get you to the next level. These conversations usually follow some formal yet personalized approach and integrate behavior change techniques. You get to chose who will be your coach and in most cases it involves working with someone who has achieved some level of success you are looking for in your life or business.


In doing research on coaching, there appeared to be many benefits of coaching such as:

  • Taking actions towards your goals
  • Self reliance
  • Gaining more business and life satisfaction
  • More effective contributions to the team and your organization
  • More responsibility and accountability for your actions and commitments
  • Working more productively with others
  • More effective communication

There is data that suggests when coaching supports training and development productivity is multiplied 3-4 times. With this data it is very easy to see that having a coaching component of a training program is a definite value add. 

So, if you are looking to make strides in your personal, professional or small business then coaching should be a top consideration for 2017. 

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P.S. If you are looking for more information on growing a home-based or small business using the internet CLICK HERE to find our solution and winning platform used by many successful business owners and marketers.

* Courtesy of Coaching.com and The Ken Blanchard Companies