If you have a small home-based business in the network marketing or direct sales business you have probably started to hear all the conversation around this being “the best time of the year” for marketing.  As we get into the last few months or last quarter of the year, it is the busiest time for sales and recruiting. You know, the kids are back in school and we get into the holiday season spirit and begin to assess our financial results during the year. The net effect is purchasing gifts and business products to get us back on track and end the year with momentum.   

Strategic Thinking

The thought is to try to make any necessary changes or let’s say corrections now so as to propel your business into the new year. It is no secret that if you turn on the news all you are hearing is doom and gloom with the economy and that people are really hurting. This may be a reality in many circles but it does not hold true for everyone. In spite of what the press is telling you, there still are people out there “Crushing It”.

Your challenge at this point is to get in the game and go find those who may be seriously looking for change or opportunity. The only way to do this is to start thinking strategically about your business. One book that we have found useful in putting our “strategy cap” on is entitled “Deep Dive” by Rich Horwath. The book may have been written for corporate types but after a quick review, you will agree it is the perfect mindset medicine for the home based sect as well. Horwath describes four types of strategic thinkers:

1.) Beach Bums
2.) Snorkelers
3.) Scuba Divers
4.) Free Divers

I will save the detailed descriptions for now but the visualization of these four types of thinkers should automatically conjure up some assumptions in your mind. Just go pick up a copy of the book to see how your thinking falls in the pecking order. The author explains how three keys to strategic thinking are significant to mastery. In general terms they are:

  • Acumen – generate insights through evaluation of your business
  • Allocation – focus your limited resources
  • Action – implement a system to guarantee effective execution of strategy

After going through the book you will definitely have a different perspective on how strategic thinking is imperative to your business and life. Done properly and planned into a normal regimen, it will inevitably help you escape the bad ratios or the ratios we all hate…. 9 to 5, work 5 for 2 off and 2 weeks off per year. These ratios lead to a life long in wishes and desires because of all the time lost. So, if you have are looking to start a business or have one already, put your strategy cap on and plan on getting it to the next level.