Balance can mean many different things to people but in this context it is blending work, family, friends and fun altogether and not feeling as if any given one is being cheated or sacrificed. In fact, Merriam-Webster defines it as “a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance”. Balance

If you perceive balance as something of value to strive for then achieving it is somewhat of a challenge. Most people feel as though it is not possible and cannot remember ever having “balance”. It seems to have been pushed to the side by some in favor of setting expectations that it is just not possible. Can’t tell you how many times we have heard “…we are just too busy”. So this begs the question, is having balance really important?

With regard to a small or part time business, it is definitely essential. Depending upon how you earn a living either you are spending all of your time and energy working a full or part time small business following a vision you have for the future or you are working a full time job and committed to working on your Plan B. In both cases, balance is necessary to make any kind of progress or have any sanity. Studies show that people with more balance in their lives are more successful in all aspects of their lives.

Work Life Balance RealityBalance Gary V

As you know, it’s the time of the year where you usually establish goals and resolutions with the intent of making them happen. In fact, we are halfway through the first month and the statistics show that most of us have already given up on our resolutions and goals for this year. The focus should be on being a goal “getter” instead of a goal “setter”. Have you factored balance into this equation for 2016?

Over the holiday break, came across a video from one of the gurus in small business and entrepreneurship (Brendon Burchard) which seemed to drive home the point. He said, “most people are not out of balance but are in distraction”. His point was the only way to achieve true balance was to get rid of as many distractions in your life which will give you time back to create more balance. These distractions include anything that is not adding value to what you are trying to accomplish. For example, if you are working on goals, things like TV or any other media we consume daily are distractions. If you were to limit exposure to them in favor of working on our your goals, balance can be achieved. However, in order to really create balance in our lives we must make some sacrifices.

What are you prepared to sacrifice in order to bring about more work life balance in 2016?

Please share if you got any value.

AIP_justus with Sharron & Jarrott

P.S. If you are looking for more information on growing your business and building your tribe using the internet Click Here to find a winning formula marketers use to generate income.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at